
A balancing act, is acknowledging the whole of the self in the expansiveness of being. Spring reminds me to play, to have fun, to let go of everything except the moment. Spring is a universal reminder that connects and reminds us that we are one, through our shared experience with nature.

Photo taken from The Ethical Butcher


rebirth. noun. the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival.

body absent body can be a literal translation. It can be a physical form of expression with heard and unheard voices, it can be the body in movement completely absent of the physical presence and it can be a collective of all of those things becoming a body. 

NOTE: This image is "Lost in the Island" from AfroFuturistic artist Kaylan F. Michaels. 


Listen up.

A mix of sound, poetics, musicality is designed to bring your senses into awareness.

 what is happening on the outside of yourself? What is moving internally 

iSee in sound, the rhythm of a person’s words it extends the curvature of waves into the cosmos, the curvature I see is energy. 

dedicated to the discovery of myself as a whole person walking in awareness of my own energy, subtle & overwhelming, quiet yet loud, sexual and spiritual all at once. 


Sometimes iDon’t have the words to express what it is that I am feeling. revolutionary… In the Spring of 2019 seven known Black churches were burned down and NOBODY said SHIT, but on April 15 of 2019, Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire and the world, sang, cried and prayed.

My response: iCall bullshit!