When you get where you’re going, where will you be?

When you get what you want, what will you have?


Sacred Space

iLove being outdoors, having this space to relax and enjoy without having to be around others has been a welcoming experience. Having a green thumb is new for me, recently becoming apart of me over the past four years. Sitting on my mom’s porch noticing the plants were laying down, some leaves were brown and they were dry for the most part. Before long, I was up watering them, talking to them apologizing for not giving them nutrients and pulling the dead leaves off. I’d watched my mother care for her plants for all of my life, but being their caretaker was not in the forefront of my mind. So to have a whole balcony full of green babies that I am responsible for, is awe stirring. But there they are casting shadows on the floor dancing in the sun light. Peace is a place where you can be yourself and have no awareness or concern for the outside world, my sacred space.