The Process is Such..
For the past three weeks, I have been writing this post and every time I get a good sense of where I am going something happens. The computer restarts, I close out safari, or I just forget that I am in the process of getting my website together.
Anyhoo, perhaps the questions that should be rolling off my tongue, why is this so difficult to launch? I wanted to know many times my heart jumps or leaps or falls at the thought of me of allowing people to get to know who I am now.
See doing the work is a real job, it requires staring in the mirror, looking at a face that has aged, the eyes that squint from bright lights, the gray hairs that coat the roots of my front nine locks, or the lines around my smiles that lift just enough for me maintain the muscles in my cheeks bones. And love it. Love what you see, who you’ve become, love who you are, what you done and yet, get up and keep going. Keep living until the creator tells you well done, good and faithful servant.
Life is a process, a journey of reinvention that leads to another journey that ultimately becomes the journey of your life.
Noone knows what is going to happen from day to day, however, what I do know is the only person who decides on what we do is the person you look at in the mirror everyday.
I am still doing the work, for a while I thought the work was about hiding who I was, to invite people into my life to get to know me. When its my authenticity that calls people into my life not what I am hiding but that which I am. Right now I am exhausted and need to go to sleepy and I am minutes away from going to bed. However, I need you to understand that the process of our lives is not for personal edification. It is not for your to basket and relish in the glory of survival alone and not share how, what and who got you to the point of survival.
the process is for others so that someone can see what you have gone through, and follow the blueprint that you yourself have laid as a path for others to follow.
The process is such a pain…yet anything worth having is never easy.
Welcome. Change Agents, welcome to my process!